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„Man reist nicht um   anzukommen, sondern um zu reisen."

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

„Die Welt ist ein Buch. Wer nie reist, sieht nur eine Seite davon."

Augustinus Aurelius


"Egal wie weit der Weg ist, man muss den ersten Schritt tun."

Mao Tse-tung


"Ich glaubte es wäre ein Abenteuer, aber in Wirklichkeit war es das Leben."

Joseph Conrad


"Ein Abschied schmerzt immer, auch wenn man sich schon lange darauf freut."

Arthur Schnitzler


"Zu allem Großen ist der erste Schritt der Mut." 

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 


Etwas Mut, ein erster Schritt- und das Unmögliche kann möglich werden.







Last one - for now

Hi :)


So as you all know I'm with my German mom since Tuesday. People have asked me to do a last blog and this is it. Once I'm back in Germany I'll write about how it is to be back, how the returnee camp was and stuff like that, but this will be my last entry from Canada.


I'm traveling through Alberta and British Columbia with my mom now before we fly back to Germany. If you want to see pictures you can do so here!


My last week in Digby flew by so fast. My family had lots planned with me and for me, I hung out with my friends and of course, I packed. It was a really hard and emotional week and saying goodbye was the toughest thing I've ever done in my life. Although it wasn't a goodbye it was a see you later, one thing is for sure: I'll be back! :)


As I already said I'll enjoy traveling right now and I'll write again once I'm back in Germany and I have stuff to talk about as always.


I would like to thank everybody who read my blog over the past year and was by my side on this incredible journey! If you have any comments or questions I'd greatly appreciate them! 


Write soon,

Julia :)



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